How to buy an Industrial Air Conditioner in Brisbane

Selecting the ideal air conditioner might be difficult. Which size do you require? How much will operating it cost? Will it be noisy at all? We can assist you in sorting through your alternatives and selecting the ideal design for your commercial area.

Industrial air conditioning units are crucial additions to factories and warehouses because they enable temperature management that is appropriate for fostering a pleasant and effective work environment throughout the whole year.

What does industrial air conditioning entail?

Business air conditioning is used to cool, heat, and dehumidify the air in a variety of commercial environments, from small to large. Offices, stores, cafes, restaurants, schools, recreation centres, gyms, and any other type of commercial property can employ commercial air conditioning units. in order to keep both the inside temperature and the air quality comfortable for both customers and/or staff during both the summer and the winter.

These commercial systems operate on the same premise as HVAC systems, which is to extract air from a space and heat or cool it. Depending on the desired temperature. To keep the temperature constant, the same air is recycled once more into space.

How to select the best industrial air conditioner in Brisbane?

  1. Determine the type of air conditioner you need 

Split-system: These consist of an interior unit and an outdoor unit that are connected by refrigerant gas-filled pipes. They are the most popular kind of air conditioner in Australia and work well in enclosed spaces.

Portable: a solitary entity that may be transported from space to space as required (but generally not easily). To vent the heat outdoors, the majority of models feature a flexible duct that must be fastened to a window. Even though portable air conditioners are less effective than split systems, they are useful for offices where a built-in alternative is not practical (for example, if you are renting).

Ducted: These have a discrete central unit that is typically concealed in your roof and connected to air outlets and sensors in each room by air ducts. An entire office can be comfortably heated and cooled with ducted air conditioning.

  1. What sort of extra features do you need?

Although air conditioners with more functions are typically more expensive, the following list of typical extras is provided anyway:

  • You can regulate the temperature with remote control.

  • To help you save money on energy costs, set a timer so that the air conditioner automatically shuts off at the chosen time.

  • Reduce air humidity using a dehumidifier for a more pleasant environment.

  • Reverse cycle air conditioning can both heat and chill your home, providing year-round comfort.

  • Slide-out chassis - makes installation simpler.

  • You can avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes by using mosquito traps.

  • Removes odors, smoke, and bacteria using an air filter.

  1. The capacity of the AC

Selecting the proper air conditioner size can be a little difficult. A larger air conditioner can cool the area more quickly but may use more electricity than a smaller one, which must work harder to cool the space and uses more electricity even though it can't do so effectively.

The size of the room affects the capacity of the AC. Here, we've outlined the necessary AC size based on the space. 

  1. What Size Air Conditioner do you need?

What size air conditioner would be best for you then? The wattage is the most crucial consideration, whether you're looking for a reverse-cycle air conditioner, portable air conditioner, or inverter split system air conditioner.

In general, you'll require about 0.15 kilowatts per square meter. For instance, a smaller space of 20 square meters would require an air conditioner that can produce around 3kW, while a larger room of 60 square meters would require a device that can produce about 9kW. The efficiency of the air conditioner will be compromised if the wattage is insufficient for the space.

  1. Get portable for the best commercials purpose 

Portable air conditioners provide you with the freedom to enjoy cold air everywhere there is a window and an electrical outlet because they are small, simple to use, and portable. Portable air conditioners are perfect for tenants, bedrooms, and smaller spaces because they don't need complicated installations and can be moved easily to where cooling is most needed.

However, there are a few reverse cycle kinds of portable air con that can both heat and cool the space. Portable air conditioners normally only come in "cooling only" models. To eliminate moisture from your home, some portable air con even includes integrated dehumidifier settings.

Wrapping up - 

At Climate Rental Solution, we take great satisfaction in providing our valued commercial and industrial clients with top-notch services. Our solid, reliable reputation in Industrial Air Conditioner Hire in Brisbane has been built on the foundation of our high caliber of craftsmanship and outstanding customer service.

You can rely on us for a job well done whether you need a new system, want your hire or rent air conditioning serviced, or both.

Call us right away at


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